# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Concelaed Old Tattoo & Reshape

Most times, normal eyebrow embroidery treatments will cause the embroidered colour to become brownish and greyish. Consequently, the eyebrows will lose their shape, giving the illusion of not having a “body shape.” She needed to reshape her brows with a thicker design. Her brow arch was arched up, giving a younger appearance. The brows’ bottom curve (brow waist) were stretched more to the back, which helped to lessen the eyelids’ swollen appearance.
– 眉峰提高了,样貌年轻了。
– 眉腰往后了,眼皮不浮肿了。


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# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Fuller Brow Hair

Having lots of eyebrow hair but evacuate. Fix, feel clean and tidy after embroidered.

The hair from begin brows are soft , so raise the begin brows to reduces the sense of oppression eye.



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# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Concealed Old Tattooed Colour

We have advised that normal embroidered eyebrows done when the trend was at its height a few years ago, will last up to 5 years. There are also ones which may remain on the skin even longer after 5 years. If your current eyebrows are of this described situation, and you are wishing for an enhanced design which suits better your facial features without undergoing the laser removal process, we ask only for your kind patience and understanding. Please give the embroidery artist some time allowance to slowly change and cover the previous embroidery. This “eyebrow reshape” process takes time as it requires multiple layers after layers of careful hands skills to produce the best and natural outcome. Rest assured our mix of Elegant 3D brow embroidery eyebrow colour with the existing brow colour, and complemented by our Elegant Velvet Brow Embroidery technique, are the best! We both, the client and the artist, must work together to achieve the perfect results that you desire! 当年,虽说片眉能耐至三、五年,但是年年过了确发现它还会残留在皮肤与妳不离不弃… 面对这种困扰又希望能拥有一对适合自己五官的眉型,又不想激光洗眉…… 请给绣眉師和自己一些时间与耐心,因为“改眉”是需要时间、需要慢慢的改、盖… 要让3D立体自然线条眉与旧眉色混合一体、又不会有“有底无底”之差,丝绒技术眉最适合不过了!!! 至于多余出来的旧眉色,以轻柔方式一层一层的补上去……. 若是得到妳的配合,就能得到焕然一新的效果.


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# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery & Painless Eyeliner Embroidery

Due to her age and narrow forehead, a client’s eyes were also slightly droopy which drags down the eyebrow shape.

A slightly straighter eyebrow was embroidered to widen her forehead. To liven up her eyes, then continue to embroider on her eyeliner with my special painless eyelining technique.

She is very happy with her now more balanced and refreshed appearance.


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# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Elegant Velvet Brow Embroidery….. Concealed -> Natural

Elegant Velvet Brow Embroidery solved all the brow issues to highlight the facial features naturally. The grey from the previous treatment was nicely concealed with the new natural colour pigment. A thicker brow shape was done to complete parts without colour and hair. A totally new great look!


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