# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery for man ~ Malaysia Artist Jacky Kam

TV Star Jacky Kam in the house! Florence Wong Image is proud to have celebrity Chinese TV drama actor Jacky Kam as our Elegant 3D eyebrow and eyeliner embroidery client.
Thank you for your kind support Jacky and it is an honor to have you as our client! We look forward to watching your next drama series.
著名电视演员Jacky Kam光顾Florence Wong Image。很荣幸的,我国著名中文电视艺人Jacky Kam亲身体验3D立体自然线条眉与隐形眼线服务。
感谢您对Florence Wong Image的信任,Jacky!我们期待看您的下一个戏剧系列。
