A warm welcome to my students from Ipoh, who are here to attend Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery & Elegant Painless Eyeliner Embroidery Course. We hope you both enjoy the course and learn well. ???
How most of us long for the bygone years when we had our youth and good looks.
The reality is that our youth will leave us. And that is the time we need to change our perception of good looks and beauty –
Yes, we should not tag together beauty with youthfulness. Being refined, graceful, conducting oneself in a dignified manner and looking after your own physical health and appearance, equal wholesome beauty in any women of any age. Therefore, we may start with the Elegant 3D Hair Stroke Brow Design for a natural make-over!
Thank you for allowing us to share your full face photo.
年轻时我们都附有青春与美丽,如果一天青春已经走了,那么我们要把美丽留下,做个精致端庄的女人 ,就得先从“3D立体自然线条眉型设计”订制开始咯!❤️?