# Blog

Florence Wong Image ~ Away Notice

Dear valued clients,

From 31st July 2019 till 08th August 2019 we will be out for oversea jobs.

For that, our office will be closed during this period of time and resume as usual on 09th August 2019.

If you have any inquiry please do not feel hesitate to drop us a private message or email us at [email protected] and we shall reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.



并于2019809日恢复营业。如果您有任何疑问,欢迎私讯或电邮至[email protected],我们将尽快为您回复。


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# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Microblading ~ Professionalism

In this semi permanent makeup industry, top levels professionalism in technique, beauty judgement, skills and sufficient experience are absolute must-haves.

There are no shortcuts. But through hard work, persistence and an ever learning mindset, you will not be far away from the success.

Contact us at Florence Wing Image on the full range of courses we offer for professional semi permanent makeup.





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# Blog

Elegant 3D brow Microblading ~ Consultation

Why is there a need for consultation session before embroidering eyebrows and eyeliners? Because professional artists must convey the necessary information to customers and then evaluate whether they are ready to accept the service, process, recovering precautions to take and results.

Both client and artist must mutually be clear and understand on the expectations before undergoing beauty treatments.

There must be no doubts and questions in the mind before any treatments. Call us to find out what you should know and ask as a client.




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