# Blog

Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery ~ Lasting Eyebrow???

Do you really wish to have lasting eyebrows?
If one is young with tight elastic skin,
or is a regular patron of Botox and fillers procedures, then brows shape that lasts for years/decades will be suitable. Saves money too.
However if one is going through the aging process and does not apply consistently the said procedures, brows will droop and sag.
Elegant 3D Brow Embroidery will enhance and rectify the required changes on the brows to suit one’s changing features.
I personally do not wish for the color to stay on the skin for too long, which is one of the reasons that leads to eyebrow “discoloration”, a complaint often brought up by my clients.
Ultimately beautiful and natural brows that fit well one’s features are what every one wants.